Company Information

MDSLomar UK was founded in 2005 when the company directors realised there was a need in the UK and the Republic Of Ireland for a sensibly priced screeding system for medium to large sized screeding applications.

They soon understood there was no need to re-invent the wheel. The screeding machines they needed were already there being used in Europe, it simply wasn't out there screeding in the UK at the time. They entered into discussions with Lomar s.r.l., an Italian based company with a proven pedigree in the screeding industry, such that MDSLomar UK would be the sole distributor of the Lomar 106 and Lomar 107 screeding machines in UK and Republic Of Ireland.

Based in Luton, MDSLomar UK now have premises in York House, from which they demonstrate and distribute the innovative Lomar 106 and 107 Screeding Machines.

If you'd like to arrange a visit, to come and meet the people, and see the machine in action, then please feel free to

contact us.


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